
Macclesfield Quiz League
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2023–4 Season
Week 3

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Specialist Rounds
General Knowledge

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2023–4 Season: Week 3 – 21 November 2023

Specialist Rounds

1 Geography 2 History (Herstory)
3 Arts & Entertainment: Famous First Words 4 Science
5 Sport 6 Assassinations
7 Final Surnames 8 Name That Town

Round 1: Geography

1 In which county is Ireland's northernmost point?
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2 What's the most southerly point on mainland Britain?
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3 Which European capital city stands on 14 islands?
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4 Which European capital city stands on the Vltava River?
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5 What body of water separates the Orkney Islands from the Scottish mainland?
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6 What body of water separates Tasmania from the Australian mainland?
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7 Cagliari is the largest town on which Mediterranean island?
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8 Colombo is the capital of which island country?
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1 The inlet known as the Golden Horn forms the harbour of which city – the largest in its country? Comments on the question
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2 In which country is the most easterly point of mainland Africa?
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Round 2: History (Herstory)

A round about women in history.

1 Which young Scotswoman risked her life to save Prince Charles Edward Stuart after his defeat at Culloden?
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2 Which star of Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show has been described as America's first female superstar?
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3 Which mathematician, the daughter of Lord Byron, worked closely with Charles Babbage and is often considered to have been the first computer programmer?
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4 Which scientist's crystallography work was central to the discovery of the molecular structure of DNA, but went largely unrecognised in her lifetime?
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5 Who was married to Edward IV and is referred to as the White Queen in a Philippa Gregory novel about her life?
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6 Who was beheaded at Fotheringhay Castle in Northamptonshire in February 1587?
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7 Born Araminta Ross around 1822, which social activist escaped slavery and worked for the Union Army in the American Civil War?
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8 Born in Lyme Regis in 1799, Mary Anning was a pioneer in what field?
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1 Anne Neville was the wife of which English king?
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2 In what industry did an 1888 strike by women in east London lead to the formation of what was then the largest union of women in the country?
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Round 3: Arts & Entertainment: famous first words

Name the novel, play, etc., of which these are the opening words.

1 Play: If music be the food of love, play on.
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2 Novel: Whether I turn out to be the hero of my own life, or whether that station will be held by anybody else, these pages will show.
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3 Song: I don't wanna talk about things we've gone through.
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4 Poem: April is the cruellest month, breeding lilacs out of the dead land.
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5 Poem: Hail to thee, blithe spirit! Bird thou never wert.
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6 TV programme theme: I would like to leave this city, this old town don't smell too pretty. (Note: we are asking for the TV programme, not the song.)
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7 Film: It was the summer of 1963, when everybody called me Baby and it didn't occur to me to mind.
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8 Musical: There's a bright golden haze on the meadow.
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1 Film: As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be a gangster.
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2 Film: Whenever I get gloomy with the state of the world, I think about the Arrivals gate at Heathrow Airport.
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Round 4: Science

1 In physics, what is defined as the ability to store an electric charge?
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2 What name is given to the complex of enzymes produced in the stomachs of ruminant mammals, which are used in the production of most cheeses?
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3 Hydrophobia is an alternative name for, or a symptom of, which medical condition?
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4 In which constellation is the Horsehead Nebula?
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5 What group of the Periodic Table takes its name from Greek words meaning salt producers?
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6 In plants, the process of geotropism is a response to what force?
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7 Insects have three main body parts: head, thorax, and which other?
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8 Retinol is another name for which vitamin?
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1 What element is most commonly used for the vulcanisation of rubber?
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2 The process of galvanisation involves applying a coating of which element?
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Round 5: Sport

1 In tennis, what is colloquially known as a bagel?
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2 In baseball, which team won the so–called World Series for the first time in October this year?
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3 In which sport might you play a York round, a Hereford round, a St. George round or an Albion round?
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4 In which sport, an Olympic sport in 1900, are games won by the first team to score two peg points to bring their total to 14?
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5 Who has held the women's 100m world record since 1988?
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6 Who recently regained her place as the No. 1 ranked player in women's tennis (having previously held the title from April 2022 to September 2023)?
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7 Who is the only golfer to have held all four major championships at the same time?
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8 In cricket, which team won the Indian Premier League for the fifth time in 2023?
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1 How many teams are there in the current Formula One season?
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2 Which US state gives its name to the largest sports stadium in the western hemisphere – the home of the football team of the university of the same name?
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Round 6: Assassinations

This round marks the 60th anniversary of the assassination of John F. Kennedy, which is tomorrow.

1 Abraham Lincoln's assassination in 1865 took place in which Washington theatre?
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2 When John Hinckley was convicted of trying to assassinate Ronald Reagan, he claimed he was trying to impress which actress?
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3 Who wrote the music and lyrics for the musical Assassins, whose subject is the assassination of American presidents?
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4 Whose death by poisoning in AD 54 was allegedly instigated by his wife Agrippina?
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5 In which city did the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, which contributed to the start of World War I, take place?
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6 Who wrote the Booker prize winning novel The Blind Assassin?
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7 A famous 1793 painting by Jacques–Louis David (daveed) depicts the death of what historical figure in his bath, following his assassination?
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8 Which revolutionary was shot by a Bolivian soldier on the 9th of October 1967?
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1 Who wrote that "assassination is the extreme form of censorship"?
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2 In the 2007 film The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford, who played Jesse James?
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Round 7: Final Surnames

Each answer includes the surname of a member of England's team in the Final of the 2023 FIFA Women's World Cup. One answer is a sound–alike.

1 Which former American president celebrated his 99th birthday last month?
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2 In Doctor Who, who played Graham O'Brien, an assistant to the thirteenth Doctor (played by Jodie Whittaker)?
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3Who wrote in 1762, in The Social Contract, that "Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains"?
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4 Dick Dewy and Fancy Day are central characters in which novel by Thomas Hardy?
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5 Which archaeological period lasted approximately from 3300 BCE to 1200 BCE?
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6 Which song, written by Mike Batt for the animated film Watership Down, was the best–selling single of 1979 in the UK?
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7 Who opposed the Clantons and the McLaurys, in the Gunfight at the OK Corrall (in 1881)?
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8 China produces more than 70% of the world's supply, and France around 25%, of which natural product, used in the manufacture of rope?
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1 Which ironically–named Welsh footballer played 300 League games for Tottenham Hotspur between 1962 and 1974, and managed the Welsh national team for eight years in the 1980s?
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10 Which Strictly Come Dancing presenter was born in Stockport in 1969 and grew up in Birch Vale, near New Mills?
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Round 8: Name That Town

Name the person who shares their name with a British town or city. Surnames only are acceptable.

1 Lancastrian entertainer, deported from South Africa in 1946 after refusing to perform before an all–white audience.
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2 Created Duke of Bronte by the King of Naples in 1799; married Fanny Nisbit in 1787 and died in 1805.
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3 First Earl of Leicester; a favourite of Queen Elizabeth I.
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4 Began acting while in prison for the murder of a German taxi driver while serving with the army; made his name in EastEnders.
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5 Australian singer who died in 2022; her group enjoyed considerable chart success in the 1960s.
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Leeds–born, best–selling novelist whose debut novel was A Woman of Substance, published in 1979.
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7 Architect who gave his name to a prestigious award presented annually by the RIBA.
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8 Journalist, TV presenter and Labour party peer; her affair with Harold Pinter was the basis of his 1978 play Betrayal.
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1 Actor who became Mayor of Carmel, California, in 1986.
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2 Hollywood star who died in 1994 aged 80; nominated for an Oscar for his role in From Here to Eternity.
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General Knowledge

1 Which song, composed in 1878, replaced God Save the Queen as the official national anthem of Australia in 1984?
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2 What name was given to Britain's loneliest sheep after it was recently rescued from the bottom of a Scottish cliff?
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3 How is comic book villain Oswald Chesterfield Cobblepot better known?
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4 Which American president was born Leslie Lynch King before taking his stepfather's name?
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5 Europe's oldest university was founded in the year 1088, in which Italian city?
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6 In World War II, what was the code name of the German invasion of the USSR?
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7 Which layer of the Earth's atmosphere sits between the troposphere and the mesosphere?
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8 Which car manufacturer is named after the French explorer who founded Detroit?
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9 Which England footballer has recently been awarded the Kopa trophy for the world's best player under 21?
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10 Which country's national anthem is entitled The Soldier's Song?
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11 What middle name is or was shared by John Lennon and Gary Lineker?
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12 What was the name of the van driven by Scooby–Doo's gang?
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13 Who has Bond girl Barbara Bach been married to since 1981?
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14 Apart from Russia, which country uses the rouble as its currency?
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15 In literature, how are Valentine and Proteus jointly known?
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16 What's the largest object in our solar system, apart from the Sun and the planets?
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17 In which Arizona town did the Gunfight at the OK Corral take place?
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18 Which football team did Bobby Charlton manage between 1973 and 1975?
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19 The first recorded use of the word 'snob' dates from the late 18th century, as a term for which type of craftsman?
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20 Which poet died of sepsis while on his way to Gallipoli in 1915?
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21 The works of which artist, born on this day in 1898, include The Treachery of Images and The Son of Man?
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22 Which famous person owns a fox red Labrador named Nova?
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23 In which US state did the so–called Salem witch trials take place in the late 17th century?
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24 In which book did Frank McCourt first describe his unhappy Limerick childhood?
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25 A tagline for which 1972 film was: "Four men ride a wild river. A weekend turns into a nightmare"?
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26 Who was the Surveyor General of India from 1830 to 1843?
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27 In which sport might you see a flying camel, an axel, a lutz or a salchow?
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28 Which fashion store and company were founded in 1964 by Barbara Hulanicki?
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29 The cathedral of which French city, 50 miles south–west of Paris, is famous for its stained glass?
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30 Which town in Kent gives its name to a type of warbler?
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31 The artist Vanessa Bell was the sister of which famous novelist?
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32 What natural feature connects Kabul in Afghanistan with Peshawar in Pakistan?
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33 The gallant and peerless Palmieri brothers are the title characters in which Gilbert & Sullivan opera?
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34 On what date is Trafalgar Day celebrated?
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35 At the 2023 Oscars ceremony, who became the first Asian woman to win the Best Actress award?
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36 How many degrees of longitude equal one hour in time?
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37  "Once you pop, you can't stop" was the original slogan of which snack food?
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38 In which city can you see Leonardo da Vinci's painting The Last Supper?
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39 Which Oscar–winning actress founded the controversial wellness and lifestyle brand Goop?
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40 Who is currently Governor of the Bank of England?
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41 Which former MP is the author of the recent book entitled The Plot: the Political Assassination of Boris Johnson?
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42 What was the nationality of the composer Jean (jan) Sibelius?
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43 In what country was the Women's Institute founded in 1897?
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44 In pop music, how are the brothers Ron and Russell Mael better known?
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45 Which architect asserted that "a house is a machine to live in"?
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46 What was investigated by the Leveson Inquiry, instigated by David Cameron?
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47 What's the family seat of the Duke of Bedford?
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48 A hagiographer (hay-geographer) writes about what type of people?
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49 What name is traditionally given to the next full moon after the harvest moon?
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50 Which animated character has sisters named Patty and Selma? (both names required)
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51 Who was the front man of the punk band Generation X?
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52 Who was appointed Guardian of Scotland after his role in defeating the English at the Battle of Stirling Bridge?
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53 Derived from the nickname of coach Brendon McCullum, what term has been invented to describe the positive style of play adopted by the England Test cricket team?
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54 The works of which author, born on this day in 1932, include The Bottle Factory Outing and Master Georgie?
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55 Which supernatural creature is (or was) believed in Ireland to wail to foretell a death?
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56 What's the upper age limit for jury service in England and Wales?
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57 What links cups, pentacles, swords and wands?
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58 In which Ingmar Bergman movie does the central character play chess with Death?
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59 Which TV personality who died in April was famously born in London Underground's Highgate station during the war?
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60 Andy Murray has recently split for the third time from which coach?
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61 What's the only fish that has a prehensile tail?
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62 What was broadcaster James Alexander Gordon most famous for doing, between 1974 and 2013?
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63 According to the Bible, which king of Israel was the son of David and Bathsheba?
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64 Which British colony issued a famous set of triangular stamps in 1853?
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65 What's the capital of the Canadian province of British Columbia?
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66 In standard UK Monopoly, how much does each station cost to buy?
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67 Who was the Greek god of fire, volcanoes and blacksmiths?
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68 Who plays the title role in the 2023 film Barbie?
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69 Which actor, well known for a number of TV presenting roles, played Steven Taylor – a companion to the first Doctor Who?
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70 A Kingdom Hall is a place of worship used by which Christian denomination?
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71 In what year did the first census take place in England and Wales?
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72 A statue of which Hollywood legend stands in Millennium Square in his home city of Bristol?
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73 Born in 1919, by what name did Maria Eva Duarte become internationally known?
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74 America's Route 66 runs from Los Angeles to which other city?
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75 Which chemical element was named in 1898 by one of its discoverers after the country of her birth?
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76 In Greek legend, which daughter of King Priam, after being given the gift of prophecy, was fated always to tell the truth but never to be believed?
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77 Salman Rushdie's novel Midnight's Children is an allegory on which historical event?
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78 Who was the creator, director and chief writer of the BBC satirical comedy series The Thick Of It?
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79 At this year's World Athletics Championships, in which event did both male and female British athletes win gold medals?
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80 Which king of England was the father of Henry III?
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81 Currently celebrating its 10th anniversary, the second theatre on the site of London's Globe Theatre is named after which actor and director, who was instrumental in restoring the Globe?
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82 Which bird is sometimes known as the landrail?
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83 Which European country's flag has three horizontal bands of blue, black and white?
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84 The name of what drink, made from yogurt, water and spices, means 'yogurt mixed with water' in Punjabi?
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85 In the year 2000, who became the first directly elected Mayor of London?
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86 If the tails side of a coin is the reverse, what is the heads side?
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87 Nigella Lawson caused a sensation in her 2020 TV series by her pronunciation of what word?
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88 Which activity will become an Olympic sport for the first time at Paris 2024?
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89 What type of creature is a caracal?
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90 What's the nationality of the winner of this year's Nobel Peace Prize, the activist Narges Mohammadi?
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91 Which cocktail consists only of gin and lime juice?
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92 Which country is the only one whose national flag is not rectangular?
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93 A ginnery is used in the production of what commodity?
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94 The main railway stations in which UK city are called Central and Queen Street?
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95 Which Russian company was famous for designing jewel–encrusted eggs for the tsars?
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96 Who portrayed Jimmy Savile in the recent TV drama The Reckoning?
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1 Which Renaissance painter had the surname Buonarotti?
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2 What's the longest river in Asia?
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3 Which political party is jointly led by Adrian Ramsey and Carla Denyer?
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4 What paste, made from ground sesame seeds, is a major ingredient of hummus?
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5 Who was Sir Alan Sugar's female aide on the first four series of The Apprentice?
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