
Macclesfield Quiz League
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Individual Records

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Individual Records: Y

We currently have final individual records for every season since 1987–8 (except 1988–9, for which we only have the half–way records). We believe that individual scores were recorded before this, but we no longer have those records (unless you know different).

This page summarises the records of everyone that has played in Macclesfield Quiz League since the 1987–8 season, whose surname begins with the letter Y.

Please note: except in seasons 1988–9, 1994–5 and 1995–6, the Average column gives the average score for the games that counted towards the season's total – i.e. 12 games in a league of nine teams, 11 games in a league of eight, and so on. The number of games that counted is given in the Counting column. In the three seasons cited as exceptions, the Average is the average score for all games. (In the case of the 1988–9 season, this is because the figures are for the half–way stage of the season.)

John Yates

Season Team Lge Pos Pld Tot High Low Max Count Ave
2010–11 Puss in Boots C 50 1 24 24 24 16 12 24.00
2011–12 Puss in Boots C 60 1 6 6 6 16 12 6.00

Penny Yearn

Season Team Lge Pos Pld Tot High Low Max Count Ave
1987–8 Wanderers B 67 1 6 6 6 16 12 6.00

Steve Young

Season Team Lge Pos Pld Tot High Low Max Count Ave
1988–9 Rising Sun 'B' E 46 1 12 12 12 12.00
1989–90 Rising Sun 'B' E 51 2 18 12 6 14 11 9.00

Ann Yoxall

Season Team Lge Pos Pld Tot High Low Max Count Ave
2004–5 Prince Albert C 55 2 6 6 0 16 12 3.00

© Macclesfield Quiz League 2020